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By confirming this step you will get access to Adpin and all of its functionalities, for your selected type of user account. Thereby you allow Adpin to save your phone number, email and additional personal and company information that you provide in/to Adpin and its third parties. This information will enable you to purchase, process or sell ads in print newspapers and magazines, or in other media channels. Adpin, media houses, media agencies and other parties and third parties, both directly and indirectly connected to Adpin, are hereby granted, by your authority to receive and process your account information details for this purpose.


You understand that you and the company you represent are responsible for your content and actions. Adpin is therefore not a subject for any financial compensation for technical errors, incorrect usage or omissions of your information, your company’s or your associated companiess brands, logos, data and information, in Adpin or in external marketing efforts by Adpin.


By using the Adpin interface you comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well as the Adpin privacy policy, terms of use and our cookie policies found in the links provided below.

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